On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, Pierre Haessig <pierre.haes...@crans.org>
> Le 04/02/2012 23:19, Ralf Gommers a écrit :
> scipy.signal is the right place I think. numpy shouldn't grow too many
functions like this.
> [going back in time on the autocorrelation topic]
> I see scipy.signal being the good place. However, I have the (possibly
wrong) feeling that Matplotlib is not so much depending on scipy.
> Would Matplotlib's acorr/xcorr functions benefit from a faster function
available in scipy as opposed to numpy ?
> Pierre

Mpl does not depend on scipy at all and it is intended to stay that way.
 Mind you, mpl does not "require" acorr/xcorr because we do it using
existing numpy tools. And any user needing a faster version can simply call
it themselves and simply plot the results themselves.  The current
functions are merely convenience functions

So, yes, it would be nice to have it in numpy, but if it fits better in
scipy, then put it there.

Ben Root
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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