On Mar 11, 2012, at 1:59 AM, Mic wrote:

> what is the difference to http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3146/ ?

To fully expound the difference would take a lot of discussion.   But, 

        * Numba is not nearly as ambitious as US (Numba will be fine with some 
user-directed information and with a subset of the language that gets compiled)
        * Numba will focus on compilation rather than JITing --- in other words 
it won't be trying to detect hot-spots and compile segments (actually LLVM is 
not a good candidate for that sort of thing as it is not a very fast or 
memory-efficient compiler for a lot of reasons,  I believe this is why PyPy 
does not use it anymore, for example). 
        * Numba will be much closer to Cython in spirit than Unladen Swallow 
(or PyPy) --- people who just use Cython for a loop or two will be able to use 
Numba instead
        * Numba will borrow the idea of call-sites from IronPython wherein a 
function is replaced by a generic function that dispatches based on input types 
to either cached compiled code for the types specified or the generic function.
        * Numba will be mainly about trying to leverage the code-generation of 
LLVM which multiple hardware manufacturers are using (Intel's OpenCL support, 
Nvidia's PTX backend, Apple's CLang, etc.) for NumPy arrays


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