On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Ralf Gommers

> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Tim Cera <t...@cerazone.net> wrote:
>> I have been developing a set of pad functions to pad arrays in different
>> ways.  Really close to having it accepted into numpy, but I want to revisit
>> an implementation issue that I have become worried about.  Should these
>> functions be collected into a 'pad' namespace or put raw into np.lib?
>> Do I really care about this?  Not really since it isn't a utility issue,
>> but I contend that it would look better to pull these functions into their
>> own namespace.
>> +1 one for a separate 'pad' or 'padding' namespace. Adding 10 functions
> to the main numpy namespace feels like too much.
I think there is also a question of using a prefix pad_xxx for the function
names as opposed to pad.xxx.

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