On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.har...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 2:05 AM, Chris Ball <ceb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying out various continuous integration options, so I happen to be
>> testing NumPy on several platforms that I don't normally use.
>> Recently, I've been getting a segmentation fault on Debian 6 (with Python
>> 2.7.2):
>> Linux debian6-amd64 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 22 17:26:33 UTC 2012
>> x86_64
>> GNU/Linux (Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l)
>> nosetests --verbose
>> /home/slave/tmp/numpy/numpy/random/__init__.py:91: RuntimeWarning:
>> numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility
>>  from mtrand import *
>> test_api.test_fastCopyAndTranspose ... ok
>> test_api.test_array_astype ... ok
>> test_api.test_copyto_fromscalar ... ok
>> test_api.test_copyto ... ok
>> test_api.test_copyto_maskna ... ok
>> test_api.test_copy_order ... ok
>> Basic test of array2string. ... ok
>> Test custom format function for each element in array. ... ok
>> This should only apply to 0-D arrays. See #1218. ... ok
>> test_arrayprint.TestArrayRepr.test_nan_inf ... ok
>> test_str (test_arrayprint.TestComplexArray) ... ok
>> test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions.test_basic ... ok
>> test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions.test_formatter ... ok
>> test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions.test_formatter_reset ... ok
>> Ticket 844. ... ok
>> test_blasdot.test_blasdot_used ... SKIP: Skipping test: test_blasdot_used
>> Numpy is not compiled with _dotblas
>> test_blasdot.test_dot_2args ... ok
>> test_blasdot.test_dot_3args ... ok
>> test_blasdot.test_dot_3args_errors ... ok
>> test_creation_overflow (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_add (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_arange (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_array_find_type (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_array_str (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_as_string (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_as_string_timezone (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ...
>> /home/slave/
>> tmp/numpy/numpy/core/tests/test_datetime.py:1319: UserWarning: pytz not
>> found,
>> pytz compatibility tests skipped
>>  warnings.warn("pytz not found, pytz compatibility tests skipped")
>> ok
>> test_datetime_busday_holidays_count (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_busday_holidays_offset (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_busday_offset (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_busdaycalendar (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_casting_rules (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_divide (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_dtype_creation (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_is_busday (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_like (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_maximum_reduce (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_minmax (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_multiply (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_nat_casting (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_scalar_construction (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ok
>> test_datetime_string_conversion (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... ERROR
>> test_datetime_subtract (test_datetime.TestDateTime) ... Segmentation fault
>> With Python 2.6 there doesn't seem to be a problem on the same machine.
>> Unfortunately, I haven't had time to investigate (I don't have Debian 6
>> to use
>> myself, and I just started a job that doesn't involve any Python...).
>> However,
>> according to the Jenkins instance on ShiningPanda.com, the problem began
>> with
>> these changes:
>>  BUG: ticket #1578, Fix python-debug warning for python >= 2.7.
>>  STY: Small style fixes.
>> For now, that's all I can say; I haven't manually verified the problem
>> myself
>> (that it exists, or that it truly started after the changes above). I
>> hope to
>> be able to investigate further at the weekend, but I thought I'd post to
>> the
>> list now in case someone else can verify the problem.
>> Chris
>> Segmentation fault is buried in console output of Jenkins:
>> https://jenkins.shiningpanda.com/scipy/job/NumPy/PYTHON=CPython-2.7/6/console
>> The previous build was ok:
>> https://jenkins.shiningpanda.com/scipy/job/NumPy/PYTHON=CPython-2.7/5/console
>> Changes that Jenkins claims are responsible:
>> https://jenkins.shiningpanda.com/scipy/job/NumPy/PYTHON=CPython-2.7/6/
>> changes#detail0
> It seems that python2.7 is far, far, too recent to be part of Debian 6. I
> mean, finding python 2.7 in recent Debian stable would be like finding an
> atomic cannon in a 1'st dynasty Egyptian tomb. So it is in testing, but for
> replication I like to know where you got it.
Python 2.7 from Debian testing works fine here.

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