excellent thank you, that worked perfectly. I just need to remember this
feature next time I need it.
Thanks again

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:41 PM, Tim Cera <t...@cerazone.net> wrote:

> Use 'ma.max' instead of 'np.max'.  This might be a bug OR an undocumented
> feature.  :-)
>     import numpy.ma as ma
>     marr = ma.array(range(10), mask=[0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1])
>     np.max(marr)
>     4                      # mask is used
>     a = []
>     a.append(marr)
>     a.append(marr)
>     np.max(a)
>     9                      # mask is not used
>     ma.max(a)
>     4                      # mask is used
> Kindest regards,
> Tim
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