On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 02:35:26PM -0500, Travis Oliphant wrote:
>      Basically it buys not forcing *all* NumPy users (on the C-API level) to
>    now deal with a masked array.    I know this push is a feature that is
>    part of Mark's intention (as it pushes downstream libraries to think about
>    missing data at a fundamental level). 

I think that this is a bad policy because:

 1. An array is not always data. I realize that there is a big push for
    data-related computing lately, but I still believe that the notion
    missing data makes no sens for the majority of numpy arrays 

 2. Not every algorithm can be made to work with missing data. I would
    even say that most of the advanced algorithm do not work with missing

Don't try to force upon people a problem that they do not have :).


PS: This message does not claim to take any position in the debate on
which solution for missing data is the best, because I don't think that I
have a good technical vision to back any position.
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