On May 11, 2012, at 2:13 AM, Fernando Perez wrote:

> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Scott Sinclair
> <scott.sinclair...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's pretty much how things already work. The documentation is in
>> the main source tree and built docs end up at http://docs.scipy.org.
>> NEPs live at https://github.com/numpy/numpy/tree/master/doc/neps, but
>> don't get published outside of the source tree and there's no
>> "preferred" place for discussion documents.
> No, b/c that means that for someone to be able to push to a NEP,
> they'd have to get commit rights to the main numpy source code repo.
> The whole point of what I'm suggesting is to isolate the NEP repo so
> that commit rights can be given for it with minimal thought, whenever
> pretty much anyone says they're going to work on a NEP.
> Obviously today anyone can do that and submit a PR against the main
> repo, but that raises the PR review burden for said repo.  And that
> burden is something that we should strive to keep as low as possible,
> so those key people (the team with commit rights to the main repo) can
> focus their limited resources on reviewing code PRs.
> I'm simply suggesting a way to spread the load as much as possible, so
> that the team with commit rights on the main repo isn't a bottleneck
> on other tasks.

This is a good idea.  I think.    I like the thought of a separate NEP and docs 


> Cheers,
> f
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