On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 3:11 AM, Travis Oliphant <tra...@continuum.io> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I made a branch called with_maskna and then merged Nathaniel's PR which 
> removes the mask_na support from master.  I then applied a patch to fix the 
> boolean indexing problem reported by Ralf.
> I then created a NumPy 1.7.x maintenance branch from which the release of 
> NumPy 1.7 will be made.   Ondrej Certik and I will be managing the release of 
> NumPy 1.7.   Ondrej is the author of SymPy and has agreed to help get NumPy 
> 1.7 out the door.   Thanks, Ondrej for being willing to help in this way.
> In principal only bug-fixes should be pushed to the NumPy 1.7 branch at this 
> point.   The target is to make a release of NumPy 1.7.x by July 9th.   The 
> schedule we will work for is:
> RC1 -- June 25
> RC2 -- July  5
> Release -- July 13

I worked on the release notes:


Please let me know if you think that I forgot some important feature
or if you have any suggestions for improvement. If it looks pretty
good, then I will start testing NumPy against packages

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