> Exactly.
> I don't
> feel responsible for this issue (except I maybe should have pushed
> more strongly about datetime being included),
> I think you left out a 'not'. I don't mean to imply that you were in anyway 
> the blame. And you have been pretty adamant about not allowing late merges of 
> large bits of code since then. It falls in the lessons learned category.
> but I am also not
> interested in making a big deal out of it, certainly not two years
> after the fact. I am merely point this out so that you realize that
> you may both have a different view that could be seen as valid
> depending on what you are willing to highlight.
> I suggest that Chuck and you take this off-list,
> I don't think there is much more to say, although I would suggest Travis be 
> more careful about criticising previous work, ala 'gratuitous', 'not 
> listening', etc. We got 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 out without any help from him, 
> and I think we did a pretty damn good job of working with the community and 
> improving the code in the process.

Wow!  Again, your attitude surprises me and I can't just let a public comment 
like that go unaddressed.  Not *any* help from me.   Is that really the way you 
view it.   Amazing!   No wonder people new to the project lose sight of where 
it came from if that's the kind of dialogue and spin you spread. 

So, you are going to disregard anything I've done during that time.   The 
personal time spent on bug fixes and code enhancements, the active discussions 
with people, the work on datetime, the contribution of resources, the growing 
of the community, the teaching, the talking, the actively trying to figure out 
just how to improve not only the state of the code but also how it gets 
written, the documentation improvements (from my early donation of my book).    
Just because you are not aware personally of something or I don't comment on 
this list, it doesn't mean I'm not active.    I was not as active as I wanted 
to be sometimes (I do have other responsibilities), but this kind of statement 
is pretty hurtful as well as being completely inaccurate.  

"The community" is not just people that post to this list and a few users of 
SciPy that you know about.     "The community" is much larger than that, and 
I've been working with them too --- all along, even when I wasn't actively 
making releases.      I would suggest that you be more careful about accusing 
who is and who isn't "helping" with things.  


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