On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 7:20 AM, John Hunter <jdh2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Some examples would be nice. A lot of people did move already. And I
> haven't
> > seen reports of those that tried and got stuck. Also, Debian and
> Python(x,
> > y) have 1.6.2, EPD has 1.6.1.
> In my company, the numpy for our production python install is well
> behind 1.6.  In the world of trading, the upgrade cycle can be slow,
> because when people have production trading systems that are working
> and running stably, they have little or no incentive to upgrade.  I
> know Travis has been doing a lot of consulting inside major banks and
> investment houses, and these are probably the kinds of people he sees
> regularly.  You also have a fair amount of personnel turnover over the
> years, so that the developer who wrote the trading system may have
> moved on, and an upgrade which breaks the code is difficult to repair
> because the original developers are gone.  So people are loathe to
> upgrade.  It is certainly true that deprecations that have lived for a
> single point release cycle have not been vetted by a large part of the
> user community.

I'd also venture a guess that many of those installations don't have
adequate test suites.

> In my group, we try to stay as close to the bleeding edge as possible
> so as to not fall behind and make an upgrade painful, but we are not
> the rule.
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