On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 6:18 PM, jay bourque <jay.bour...@continuum.io> wrote:
> Just added PR #359. The purpose is to allow the nditer object operand and
> iter flags to be set for a ufunc to provide better control over how an array
> is iterated over by a ufunc and how the ufunc uses the operands passed to
> it. One specific motivation for this is to be able to specify an input
> operand to a ufunc as being read/write instead of read only.

Huh. My first gut reaction to this is that it's an argument *against*
merging this change, because ufuncs *shouldn't* be writing to their
inputs. Maybe I'm wrong, but... obviously there is more context here
than we've heard so far. Can you explain what you're actually trying
to accomplish?

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