Thanks for the quick response.

Ah, I see. There is a difference between A[:,:1] and A[:,0]. The former
returns an Mx1 2D array whereas the latter returns an M element 1D array. I
was using A[:,0] in the code but A[:,:1] in the example.

On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Warren Weckesser <> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 8:24 PM, Tom Bennett 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to extract n columns from an 2D array and then operate on the
>> extracted columns. Below is the code:
>> A is an MxN 2D array.
>> u = A[:,:n] #extract the first n columns from A
>> B =, u.T) #take outer product.
>> This code works when n>1. However, when n=1, u becomes an 1D array
>> instead of an Mx1 2D array and the code breaks down.
>> I wonder if there is any way to keep u=A[:,:n] an Mxn array no matter
>> what value n takes. I do not want to use matrix because array is more
>> convenient in other places.
> Tom,
> Your example works for me:
> In [1]: np.__version__
> Out[1]: '1.6.2'
> In [2]: A = arange(15).reshape(3,5)
> In [3]: A
> Out[3]:
> array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
>        [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
>        [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]])
> In [4]: u = A[:,:1]
> In [5]: u
> Out[5]:
> array([[ 0],
>        [ 5],
>        [10]])
> In [6]: B =, u.T)
> In [7]: B
> Out[7]:
> array([[  0,   0,   0],
>        [  0,  25,  50],
>        [  0,  50, 100]])
> Warren
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
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