
I just read a paper[1] that compare python with numpy or pypy vs c++ and
fortran from a code, memory and speed point of view. The python code was
still better as you can't have list of ndarray in fortran and some other
stuff was harder to do. The fastest was fortran, then C++, but pypy around
2x slower then c++. That isn't bad for a more productive development

Maybe you can check that article to find more case to compare.



[1] http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.1334

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.cer...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently setup a page about modern Fortran:
> http://fortran90.org/
> and in particular, it has a long section with side by side syntax
> examples of Python/NumPy vs Fortran:
> http://fortran90.org/src/rosetta.html
> I would be very interested if some NumPy gurus would provide me
> feedback. I personally knew
> NumPy long before I learned Fortran, and I was amazed that the modern
> Fortran pretty much
> allows 1:1 syntax with NumPy, including most of all the fancy indexing etc.
> Is there some NumPy feature that is not covered there? I would like it
> to be a nice resource
> for people who know NumPy to feel like at home with Fortran, and vice
> versa. I personally
> use both every day (Fortran a bit more than NumPy).
> Or of you have any other comments or tips for the site, please let me
> know. Eventually I'd like
> to also put there C++ way of doing the same things, but at the moment
> I want to get Fortran
> and Python/NumPy done first.
> Ondrej
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