On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Kurt Smith <kwmsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 4:29 AM, Francesc Alted <franc...@continuum.io> wrote:
>> I would not run too much.  The example above takes 9 bytes to host the
>> structure, while a `aligned=True` will take 16 bytes.  I'd rather let
>> the default as it is, and in case performance is critical, you can
>> always copy the unaligned field to a new (homogeneous) array.
> Yes, I can absolutely see the case you're making here, and I made my
> "vote" with the understanding that `aligned=False` will almost
> certainly stay the default.  Adding 'aligned=True' is simple for me to
> do, so no harm done.
> My case is based on what's the least surprising behavior: C structs /
> all C compilers, the builtin `struct` module, and ctypes `Structure`
> subclasses all use padding to ensure aligned fields by default.  You
> can turn this off to get packed structures, but the default behavior
> in these other places is alignment, which is why I was surprised when
> I first saw that NumPy structured dtypes are packed by default.

Some surprises with aligned / unaligned arrays:


import numpy as np

packed_dt = np.dtype((('a', 'u1'), ('b', 'u8')), align=False)
aligned_dt = np.dtype((('a', 'u1'), ('b', 'u8')), align=True)

packed_arr = np.ones((10**6,), dtype=packed_dt)
aligned_arr = np.ones((10**6,), dtype=aligned_dt)

print "all(packed_arr['a'] == aligned_arr['a'])",
np.all(packed_arr['a'] == aligned_arr['a']) # True
print "all(packed_arr['b'] == aligned_arr['b'])",
np.all(packed_arr['b'] == aligned_arr['b']) # True
print "all(packed_arr == aligned_arr)", np.all(packed_arr ==
aligned_arr) # False (!!)


I can understand what's likely going on under the covers that makes
these arrays not compare equal, but I'd expect that if all columns of
two structured arrays are everywhere equal, then the arrays themselves
would be everywhere equal.  Bug?

And regarding performance, doing simple timings shows a 30%-ish
slowdown for unaligned operations:

In [36]: %timeit packed_arr['b']**2
100 loops, best of 3: 2.48 ms per loop

In [37]: %timeit aligned_arr['b']**2
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.9 ms per loop

Whereas summing shows just a 10%-ish slowdown:

In [38]: %timeit packed_arr['b'].sum()
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.29 ms per loop

In [39]: %timeit aligned_arr['b'].sum()
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.14 ms per loop
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