Congrats Francesc!

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 5:07 AM, Francesc Alted <> wrote:

> ========================
>   Announcing Numexpr 2.1
> ========================
> Numexpr is a fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy.  With it,
> expressions that operate on arrays (like "3*a+4*b") are accelerated
> and use less memory than doing the same calculation in Python.
> It wears multi-threaded capabilities, as well as support for Intel's
> VML library (included in Intel MKL), which allows an extremely fast
> evaluation of transcendental functions (sin, cos, tan, exp, log...)
> while squeezing the last drop of performance out of your multi-core
> processors.
> Its only dependency is NumPy (MKL is optional), so it works well as an
> easy-to-deploy, easy-to-use, computational kernel for projects that
> don't want to adopt other solutions that require more heavy
> dependencies.
> What's new
> ==========
> The main feature of this version is that it adds a much needed
> **compatibility for Python 3**
> Many thanks to Antonio Valentino for his fine work on this.
> Also, Christoph Gohlke quickly provided feedback and binaries for
> Windows and Mark Wiebe and Gaƫtan de Menten provided many small
> (but important!) fixes and improvements.  All of you made numexpr 2.1
> the best release ever.  Thanks!
> In case you want to know more in detail what has changed in this
> version, see:
> or have a look at RELEASE_NOTES.txt in the tarball.
> Where I can find Numexpr?
> =========================
> The project is hosted at Google code in:
> You can get the packages from PyPI as well:
> Share your experience
> =====================
> Let us know of any bugs, suggestions, gripes, kudos, etc. you may
> have.
> Enjoy data!
> Francesc Alted
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