On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gomm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Pauli Virtanen <p...@iki.fi> wrote:
>> Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> [clip]
>> > * Did you notice this line on the requirements page? "Having your
>> > first pull request merged before the GSoC application deadline (May 3)
>> > is required for your application to be accepted."
>> >
>> > Where is that last requirement? It seems out of line to me.
>> > Arink now has a pull request, but it looks intrusive enough
>> > and needs enough work that I don't think we can just put it in.
>> Well, we wrote so here:
>>     http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/wiki/SummerofCodeIdeas
>> but that's maybe just a mistake -- PSF states exactly the opposite:
>>     http://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/ApplicationTemplate2013
> It wasn't a mistake - the part of a PR process that is most interesting in
> the context of evaluating GSoC applications is the dialogue and how the
> submitter deals with feedback.
> I forgot to add on that page (although I think it was in one of my emails)
> that the patch shouldn't be completely trivial - fixing a typo doesn't
> really tell us all that much. But in this case Chuck's suggestion on the PR
> of how to get something merged looks fine.
My feeling is that learning to work with the community is part of the
process after acceptance and one of the reasons there are mentors. You
might get some bad choices skipping the submission/acceptance bit, but you
might also close the door on people who are new to the whole thing.
Ideally, the applicants would already have involved themselves with the
community, practically that may often not be ths case.

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