On 5/24/13, Peter Cock <p.j.a.c...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Warren Weckesser
> <warren.weckes...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5/24/13, Peter Cock <p.j.a.c...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>Warren wrote:
>>>> Two more data points:
>>>> On Ubuntu 12.04, using 64 bit builds of Python 2.7.4 (from Anaconda
>>>> 1.5.0), and numpy built from source: numpy 1.6.1 gives the error, but
>>>> 1.6.2 does not.
>>>> Warren
>>> That's interesting - and matches my only success being with NumPy 1.6.2
>>> This suggests this was broken to up 1.6.1, but fixed in the 1.6.2 branch
>>> and not the 1.7 branch. Have anyone tried the current master branch?
>> Sorry, I should have repeated my earlier report about 1.7.1.  My current
>> summary
>> (all using 64 bit python 2.7.4 from Anaconda 1.5):
>> numpy 1.6.1 (built from source) fails.
>> numpy 1.6.2 (built from source) succeeds.
>> numpy 1.7.1 (Anaconda package) succeeds.
>> Warren
> Was this the same numpy 1.7.1 you used earlier, or a different setup?

With python 2.7.4, numpy 1.7.1 from Anaconda and built from source succeeds.
But with python 3.3.1, numpy 1.7.1 built from source fails.


> 64 bit Linux machine, Python 2.7.4 compiled from source (recently),
> numpy freshly compiled from source today, making sure to remove
> the old numpy installation fully between installs - note run in this order,
> but I have tested some of these multiple times:
> numpy 1.4.1 (built from source) succeeds.
> numpy 1.5.1 (built from source) succeeds.
> numpy 1.6.0 (built from source) fails.
> numpy 1.6.1 (built from source) fails.
> numpy 1.6.2 (built from source) succeeds.
> numpy 1.7.0b2 (built from source) succeeds.
> numpy 1.7.0 (built from source) succeeds.
> numpy 1.7.1 (built from source) succeeds.
> numpy 1.8.0.dev-e11cd9b (built from source) succeeds.
> That all looks nice and neat, but according to my notes (and the
> earlier email) the old numpy 1.4.1 on this machine was failing.
> (I've erased that install now, but it was likely built with a
> older Python 2.7.x and/or slightly older gcc).
> Peter
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