On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:40:44 -0700
Antony Lee <antony....@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Thanks, I didn't know that multiprocessing Managers could be used with
> processes not started by multiprocessing itself...  I will give them a try.
> I just need to compute FFTs, but speed is a real issue for me (I am using
> the results for real-time feedback).  To be honest I don't know yet if the
> FFTs are going to be the limiting step but I thought I may as well give
> pyFFTW a try and ran into that issue...

If FFTs are needed as well as speed, I got good results with PyCuda + CuFFT 
(and a GPU from Nvidia).

Jérôme Kieffer
On-Line Data analysis / Software Group 
tel +33 476 882 445
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