On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Peter Rennert <p.renn...@cs.ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> Btw, I just wanted to file a bug at PySide, but it might be alright at
> their end, because I can do this:
> from PySide import QtGui
> image = QtGui.QImage('/home/peter/code/pyTools/sandbox/images/faceDemo.jpg')
> a = image.bits()
> del image
> a
> #<read-write buffer ptr 0x7f5fe0034010, size 1478400 at 0x3c1a6b0>

That just means that the buffer still has a pointer to the QImage's
old memory. It doesn't mean that following that pointer won't crash.
Try str(a) or something that actually touches the buffer contents...

Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
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