> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Stéfan van der Walt <ste...@sun.ac.za>wrote:
>> On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:31:01 +0530, jennifer stone wrote:
>> > 3. As stated earlier, we have spherical harmonic functions (with much
>> scope
>> > for dev) we are yet to have elliptical and cylindrical harmonic
>> function,
>> > which may be developed.
>> As stated before, I am personally interested in seeing the spherical
>> harmonics
>> in SciPy improve.
> Finding a suitable mentor for whatever project Jennifer chooses is an
> important factor in the choice of project, so I have to ask: do you have
> the bandwidth to be a mentor or help out this summer?
> Ralf

Thanks a ton Ralf, for bringing this up. It would my dream come true
experience to work under any of you guys.However tough be the project, the
guidance of a willing mentor shall make it a smooth and fruitful
experience. Please let me know if you can help out.  I would be really
grateful to you.
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