On 2/9/2014 4:59 PM, alex wrote:
> """
> The ``numpy.matrix`` API provides a low barrier to using Python
> for linear algebra, just as the pre-3 Python ``input`` function
> and ``print`` statement provided low barriers to using Python for
> automatically evaluating input and for printing output.
> On the other hand, it really needs to be deprecated.
> Let's deprecate ``numpy.matrix``.
> """
> I understand that numpy.matrix will not be deprecated any time soon,
> but I hope this will register as a vote to help nudge its deprecation
> closer to the realm of acceptable discussion.

I believe you will want to see the archived discussions of this
controversial issue before broaching it again, and then
when you do so, broach it in terms of the points that
have been raised **in great detail** in the past.

Alan Isaac

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