
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can I check what is stopping us building official numpy binary wheels
> for Windows using the Intel Math Kernel Library?
> * We'd need developer licenses, but those sound like they would be
> easy to come by
> * We'd have to add something to the license for the wheel on the lines
> of the Canopy license [1], derived from the MKL license [2] - is that
> a problem?
> Are there other problems for numpy?

Talking with Fernando, we identified these as being the key problem
clauses in the MKL license [1]:

<start quote>
D. DISTRIBUTION: Distribution of the Redistributables is also subject
to the following limitations:
[snipped clauses]
 (iv) shall use a license agreement
that prohibits disassembly and reverse engineering of the
Redistributables, (v) shall indemnify, hold
harmless, and defend Intel and its suppliers from and against any
claims or lawsuits, including
attorney's fees, that arise or result from your distribution of any product.
</end quote>

The first is a problem that might conceivably be adequately solved by
adding a paragraph to the Pypi page for numpy ("If you download and
install the windows binaries, you also agree... ") and copying a new
clause into the license in the installed tree.   Maybe.   The second
looks like it would be very hard to deal with for open source project
like us....

Cheers (sadly),


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