I have been doing a lot of backporting for the last few bugfix
releases and noticed that our current approach committing to master
and cherrypicking is not so good for the git history.
When cherry picking a bugfix from master to a maintenance branch both
branches contain a commit with the same content and git knows of no
relation between them. This causes unnecessary merge conflicts when
cherry picking two changes that modify the same file. The git version
(1.9.1) I am using is not smart enough too figure out the changesets
in both leaf commits is the same.
Additionally the output of `git log maintenance/1.9.x..master` becomes
very large as all already backported issues appear again in master.

To help with this I want to propose new best practices for pull
requests of bugfixes suitable for backporting.
Instead of basing the bugfix on the head commit of the master, base
them on the merge base between master and the latest maintenance
This allows merging the PR into both master and the maintenance branch
without pulling in any extra changes from either branches.
Then both branches contain the same commit and gits automerging can
work better and git log will only show you the commits that are only
really on one branch or the other.

In practice this is very simple. You can still develop your bugfix on
master but before you push it you just run:

git rebase --onto $(git merge-base master maintenance/1.9.x) HEAD^

In most bugfix PRs this should work without conflict as they should be
relatively small.
If you get a merge conflict during this operation, just do git rebase
--abort and do a normal pull request, in that case the backporter
should worry about the conflict.

Does this sound like a reasonable procedure?

[0] git cherry is supposed to help with that, but it never really
worked properly for me
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