On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:

> I'd be very concerned about backcompat for existing code that uses
> e.g. "S128" as a dtype to mean "128 arbitrary bytes".

yup -- 'S' matches teh py2 string well, which is BOTH text and bytes. That
should not change -- at least in py2.

> An example is
> this file format reading code:
>    https://github.com/rerpy/rerpy/blob/master/rerpy/io/erpss.py#L123
> The file format says there are 128 bytes there, and their
> interpretation depends on other fields in the header -- but in one
> case, for "large montages", there's an encoding where every 3 bytes
> represents 4 characters using an ad hoc 6-bit character set:
>    https://github.com/rerpy/rerpy/blob/master/rerpy/io/erpss.py#L133
> Perhaps this case could be handled better by using a u8 subarray or
> something (that code also goes to some efforts to work around nul


yes -- that might have been better, though I have not been successful at
figuring out how to spell a dtype that works well -- hence my suggestion
that we have a bytes type.

> and that particular project hasn't been ported to py3 yet so
> technically wouldn't be affected if we changed the meaning of "S" on
> py3. But it does seem useful to have a "fixed length bytes" dtype even
> in py3, and if we declare that be "S" then it avoids breaking any
> existing code depending on it...

sure, but having 'S' be bytes does break other code that depends on it
being a text type. Unfortunately, py2 mingled text and bytes, numpy
mirrored that, so there is no completely backward compatible way to go
forward. But for some guidance -- text is the big issue with py2 <-> p3
migration, so folks are presumable going to expect things to change with
numpy text handling as well.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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