On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Fernando Perez <fperez....@gmail.com>

> - it would have been more productive if a focused numpy sprint had been
> also planned, so that there could be more structured follow-up on the ideas
> that came up.

The trick is people to do it -- there are a scary few number of people with
skills, time, and inclination to work on the core numpy code. Exactly one
of them (thanks Chuck!) was there for the sprints this year. If there were
a way to put together a stand-alone numpy sprint at some point, that would
be really great!

In particular, Chris Barker brought up a number of things regarding
> datetime and planned on following up during the sprints, but I'm not sure
> what ended up happening.

We did indeed follow op. No code was written, but:

Chuck, Mark W. and I come up with a rough proposal.

A handful of other folks came by to chat about it, and seemed to think it
would be useful.

In short:

Some minor changes to time zone handling, with a hook in place to
potentially plug in fancier support in the future.

Possibly a hook in to plug in addition calendars.

We're working on a NEP as we speak (or, correctly speaking, I'm distracted
from working on the PEP by reading the numpy list....)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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