On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 3:11 PM, RayS <r...@blue-cove.com> wrote:
> At 01:22 AM 7/25/2014, you wrote:
>>  Actually the maximum precision I am not so
>> sure of, as I personally prefer to make an
>> informed decision about precision used, and get
>> an error on a platform that does not support
>> the specified precision, rather than obtain
>> subtly or horribly broken results without
>> warning when moving your code to a different platform/compiler whatever.
> We were talking on this in the office, as we
> realized it does affect a couple of lines dealing
> with large arrays, including complex64.
> As I expect Python modules to work uniformly
> cross platform unless documented otherwise, to me
> that includes 32 vs 64 bit platforms, implying
> that the modules should automatically use large
> enough accumulators for the data type input.

The 32/64-bitness of your platform has nothing to do with floating
point. Nothing discussed in this thread is platform-specific (modulo
some minor details about the hardware FPU, but that should be taken as

Robert Kern
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