Hey Andrew,

You can use any of the binaries from Anaconda and redistribute them as long
as you "cite" Anaconda --- i.e. tell your users that they are using
Anaconda-derived binaries.     The Anaconda binaries link against ATLAS.

The binaries are all at http://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/

In case you weren't aware:

Another way you can build and distribute an "application" is to build a
'conda' meta-package which lists all the dependencies.   If you add to this
meta-package 1) an icon and 2) an entry-point, then your application will
automatically show up in the "Anaconda Launcher" (see this blog-post:
http://www.continuum.io/blog/new-launcher ) and anyone with the Anaconda
Launcher app can install/update your package by clicking on the icon next
to it.

Users can also install your package with conda install or using the



On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Andrew Collette <andrew.colle...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I am working with the HDF Group on a new open-source viewer program
> for HDF5 files, powered by NumPy, h5py, and wxPython.  On Windows,
> since people don't typically have Python installed, we are looking to
> distribute the application using PyInstaller, which embeds
> dependencies like NumPy.  Likewise for OS X (using Py2App).
> We would like to make sure we don't accidentally include
> non-open-source components... I recall there was some discussion here
> about using the Intel math libraries for binary releases on various
> platforms.  Do the releases on SourceForge or PyPI use any proprietary
> code?  We'd like to avoid building NumPy ourselves if we can avoid it.
> Apologies if this is explained somewhere, but I couldn't find it.
> Thanks!
> Andrew Collette
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Travis Oliphant
Continuum Analytics, Inc.
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