Thanks Julian,

Just confirming that this (as expected) solves the issues that we have seen
with gradient in Matplotlib with 1.9.0

best regards


On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Julian Taylor <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have finally finished the first release candidate of NumOy 1.9.1,
> sorry for the week delay.
> The 1.9.1 release will as usual be a bugfix only release to the 1.9.x
> series.
> The tarballs and win32 binaries are available on sourceforge:
> If no regressions show up the final release is planned next week.
> The upgrade is recommended for all users of the 1.9.x series.
> Following issues have been fixed:
> * gh-5184: restore linear edge behaviour of gradient to as it was in < 1.9.
>   The second order behaviour is available via the `edge_order` keyword
> * gh-4007: workaround Accelerate sgemv crash on OSX 10.9
> * gh-5100: restore object dtype inference from iterable objects without
> `len()`
> * gh-5163: avoid gcc-4.1.2 (red hat 5) miscompilation causing a crash
> * gh-5138: fix nanmedian on arrays containing inf
> * gh-5203: copy inherited masks in MaskedArray.__array_finalize__
> * gh-2317: genfromtxt did not handle filling_values=0 correctly
> * gh-5067: restore api of npy_PyFile_DupClose in python2
> * gh-5063: cannot convert invalid sequence index to tuple
> * gh-5082: Segmentation fault with argmin() on unicode arrays
> * gh-5095: don't propagate subtypes from np.where
> * gh-5104: np.inner segfaults with SciPy's sparse matrices
> * gh-5136: Import dummy_threading if importing threading fails
> * gh-5148: Make numpy import when run with Python flag '-OO'
> * gh-5147: Einsum double contraction in particular order causes ValueError
> * gh-479: Make f2py work with intent(in out)
> * gh-5170: Make python2 .npy files readable in python3
> * gh-5027: Use 'll' as the default length specifier for long long
> * gh-4896: fix build error with MSVC 2013 caused by C99 complex support
> * gh-4465: Make PyArray_PutTo respect writeable flag
> * gh-5225: fix crash when using arange on datetime without dtype set
> * gh-5231: fix build in c99 mode
> Source tarballs, windows installers and release notes can be found at
> Cheers,
> Julian Taylor
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