On 03/01/15 20:49, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

> i.e., slow-incremental-change has actually worked well in his
> experience. (And in particular, the np.diagonal issue only comes in as
> an example to illustrate what he means by the phrase "slow continuous
> change" -- this particular change hasn't actually broken anything in his
> code.) OTOH the big problem that motivated his post was that his code is
> all written against the APIs of the ancient and long-abandoned Numeric
> project, and he finds the costs of transitioning them to the "new" numpy
> APIs to be prohibitively expensive, i.e. this big-bang transition broke
> his code.

Given that a big-bang transition broke his code everywhere, I don't 
really see why he wants more of them.

The question of reproducible research is orthogonal to this, I think.


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