On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 7:06 PM, <pdeb...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> Dear scientist using Python,
> We are glad to announce the publication of the proceedings of the 7th
> European
> Conference on Python in Science, EuroSciPy 2014, still in 2014!
> The proceedings cover various scientific fields in which Python and its
> scientific libraries are used. You may obtain the table of contents and
> all the
> articles on the arXiv at http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7030
> For convenience, the articles' titles are listed below.
> It is a useful reference to have as the publication of software-related
> scientific work is not always straightforward.
> Thanks go to all authors and reviewers for their contributions. The reviews
> were conducted publicly at
> https://github.com/euroscipy/euroscipy_proceedings
> Pierre de Buyl & Nelle Varoquaux, editors
> PS: there was no large announcement of the proceedings of EuroSciPy 2013.
> In the
> hope that this can increase their visibility, here is the URL
> Proceedings of EuroSciPy 2013: http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0166
> Pierre de Buyl, Nelle Varoquaux: Preface
> Jérôme Kieffer, Giannis Ashiotis: PyFAI: a Python library for high
> performance azimuthal integration on GPU
> Andrew Leonard, Huw Morgan: Temperature diagnostics of the solar
> atmosphere using SunPy
> Bastian Venthur, Benjamin Blankertz: Wyrm, A Pythonic Toolbox for
> Brain-Computer Interfacing
> Christophe Pouzat, Georgios Is. Detorakis: SPySort: Neuronal Spike Sorting
> with Python
> Thomas Cokelaer, Julio Saez-Rodriguez: Using Python to Dive into
> Signalling Data with CellNOpt and BioServices
> Davide Monari, Francesco Cenni, Erwin Aertbeliën, Kaat Desloovere:
> Py3DFreeHandUS: a library for voxel-array reconstruction using
> Ultrasonography and attitude sensors
> Esteban Fuentes, Hector E. Martinez: SClib, a hack for straightforward
> embedded C functions in Python
> Jamie A Dean, Liam C Welsh, Kevin J Harrington, Christopher M Nutting,
> Sarah L Gulliford: Predictive Modelling of Toxicity Resulting from
> Radiotherapy Treatments of Head and Neck Cancer
> Rebecca R. Murphy, Sophie E. Jackson, David Klenerman: pyFRET: A Python
> Library for Single Molecule Fluorescence Data Analysis
> Robert Cimrman: Enhancing SfePy with Isogeometric Analysis
> Steve Brasier, Fred Pollard: A Python-based Post-processing Toolset For
> Seismic Analyses
> Vladimír Lukeš, Miroslav Jiřík, Alena Jonášová, Eduard Rohan, Ondřej
> Bublík, Robert Cimrman: Numerical simulation of liver perfusion: from CT
> scans to FE model
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