As shortly discussed on github:
I personally think that silent Broadcasting is not a good thing. I had recently a lot
of trouble with row and column vectors which got bradcastet toghether altough it was 
more annoying than useful, especially since I had to search deep down into the code to find out
that the problem was nothing else than Broadcasting...
I personally use Octave and/or Numpy  for several years now and never ever needed braodcasting.
But since it is still there there will be many users who need it, there will be some use for it.
So I suggest that the best would be to throw warnings when arrays get Broadcasted like
Octave do. Python warnings can be catched and handled, that would be a great benefit.
Another idea would to provide warning levels for braodcasting, e.g
0 = Never, 1=Warn once, 2=Warn always, 3 = Forbid aka throw exception,
with 0 as default.
This would avoid breaking other code, and give the user some control over braodcasting.
Kind regards,
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