Announcement: pyMIC v0.5

I'm happy to announce the release of pyMIC v0.5.

pyMIC is a Python module to offload computation in a Python program to the 
Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor.  It contains offloadable arrays and device 
management functions.  It supports invocation of native kernels (C/C++, 
Fortran) and blends in with Numpy's array types for float, complex, and int 
data types.

For more information and downloads please visit pyMIC's Github page:  You can find pyMIC's mailinglist at

Full change log:

Version 0.5
- Introduced new kernel API that avoids insane pointer unpacking.
- pyMIC now uses libxstreams as the offload back-end
- Added smart pointers to make handling of fake pointers easier.

Version 0.4
- New low-level API to allocate, deallocate, and transfer data
  (see OffloadStream).
- Support for in-place binary operators.
- New internal design to handle offloads.

Version 0.3
- Improved handling of libraries and kernel invocation.
- Trace collection (PYMIC_TRACE=1, PYMIC_TRACE_STACKS={none,compact,full}).
- Replaced the device-centric API with a stream API.
- Refactoring to better match PEP8 recommendations.
- Added support for int(int64) and complex(complex128) data types.
- Reworked the benchmarks and examples to fit the new API.
- Bugfix: fixed syntax errors in OffloadArray.

Version 0.2
- Small improvements to the README files.
- New example: Singular Value Decomposition.
- Some documentation for the API functions.
- Added a basic testsuite for unit testing (WIP).
- Bugfix: benchmarks now use the latest interface.
- Bugfix: numpy.ndarray does not offer an attribute 'order'.
- Bugfix: number_of_devices was not visible after import.
- Bugfix: member offload_array.device is now initialized.
- Bugfix: use exception for errors w/ invoke_kernel & load_library.

Version 0.1
Initial release.

Intel GmbH
Dornacher Strasse 1
85622 Feldkirchen/Muenchen, Deutschland
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Feldkirchen bei Muenchen
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Lamprechter, Hannes Schwaderer, Douglas Lusk
Registergericht: Muenchen HRB 47456
Ust.-IdNr./VAT Registration No.: DE129385895
Citibank Frankfurt a.M. (BLZ 502 109 00) 600119052

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