After drilling through the sources a second time, I found it was
numpy/core/src/multiarray/descriptor.c was the file to consult with
the primary routine being PyArray_DescrConverter and _convert_from_*
functions being the most interesting to read and glean the
capabilities of this with.

So in particular it looks like the _convert_from_dict based path is
the way to go to allow custom field offsets to safely and
transparently map C POD structs with the offset information generated
at compile time to hopefully keep dtype's in perfect sync with C
sources vs declaring on the python source side.  I plan on building a
helper class to generate the dictionaries for this subroutine since
something akin to the list dtype specification is more user-friendly
(even towards me).


On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 7:55 PM, Jason Newton <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The moderator for the ML approved my subscription so I can now post
> this back in the numpy list rather than scipy.  Apologies for the
> duplicate/cross posting.
> I was trying to figure out how to make a dtype for a c-struct on the
> c-side and storing that in some boost python libraries I'm making.
> Imagine the following c-struct, greatly simplified of course from the
> real ones I need to expose:
> struct datum{
>     double position[3];
>     float velocity[3];
>     int32_t d0;
>     uint64_t time_of_receipt;
> };
> How would you make the dtype/PyArray_Descr for  this?
> I have as a point of reference compound types in HDF for similar
> struct descriptions (h5py makes these nearly 1:1 and converts back and
> forth to dtypes and hdf5 types, it uses Cython to accomplish this) -
> but I don't want to bring in hdf for this task - I'm not sure how well
> the offsets would go over in that translation to h5py too.
> Proper/best solutions would make use of offsetof as we insert entries
> to the dtype/PyArray_Descr.  It's fine if you do this in straight C -
> I just need to figure out how to accomplish this in a practical way.
> The language I'm working in is C++11.  The end goal is probably going
> to be to create a helper infrastructure to allow this to be made
> automatically-ish provided implementation of a [static] visitor
> pattern in C++.  The idea is to make numpy compatible c++ POD types
> rather than use Boost.Python wrapped proxies for every object which
> will cut down on some complicated and time consuming code (both of
> computer and developer) when ndarrays are what's called for.
> Related - would one work with record dtypes passed to C?  How would
> one lookup fields and offsets within a structure?
> Thanks for any advisement!
> -Jason
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