Could you please explain why you need 'F' ordering? It's pretty unlikely
that you actually care about the internal memory layout, and you'll get
better advice if you explain why you think you do care.

> My first Python project is to somehow modify NumPy source
> code such that everything is Fortran column-major by default.

This is the road to pain. You'll have to maintain your own fork and will
probably inject bugs when trying to rewrite. Nobody will want to help fix
them because everyone else just uses numpy as is.

> And to eliminate the order kwarg, use functools.partial to patch the
> zeros function (or any others, as needed):

Instead of monkey patching, why not just define your own shims:

fortran_zeros = partial(np.zeros(order='F'))

Seems like this would lead to a lot less confusion (although until you tell
us why you care about the in-memory layout I don't know the point of doing
this at all).
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