Thank you for posting that draft as it is a useful comparison to borrow
from.   I think Nathaniel's original document is a great start.   Perhaps
some tweaks along the lines of what you and Matt have suggested could also
be useful.

I agree that my proposal is mostly about altering the governance model,
mixed with some concern about being "automatically disqualified" from a
council that can decide the future of NumPy if things don't move forward.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:57 AM, Stefan van der Walt <>

> On 2015-09-20 11:20:28, Travis Oliphant <> wrote:
> > I would recommend three possible adjustments to the steering council
> > concept.
> >
> > 1 - define a BDFL for the council.  I would nominate chuck Harris
> >
> > 2 - limit the council to 3 people.  I would nominate chuck, nathaniel,
> and
> > pauli.
> >
> > 3 - add me as a permanent member of the steering council.
> I would split the above into two parts: a suggestion on how to change
> the governance model (first half of 1 and 2) and then some thoughts on
> what to do once those changes have been made (latter half of 1 and 2, as
> well as 3).
> For now, since those changes are not in place yet, it's probably best
> to focus on the governance model.
> I would agree that one person (or a very small group) is best suited to
> "getting things unstuck".  And, personally, I believe it best for that
> person/persons to be elected by the community (whatever we define "the
> community" to be)---which is what I presume you suggested when you
> mentioned nominating candidates.
> Since Matthew mentioned the governance proposal we're working on, here
> is a very early draft:
> As I said, this is still a work-in-progress--comments are welcome.
> E.g., the weighting element in the voting has to be fine tuned (but was
> put in place to prevent rapid take-overs).
> Essentially, we need:
> - a way for community members to express disagreement without being
>   ousted,
> - protection against individuals who want to exert disproportional
>   influence,
> - protection against those in leadership roles who cause the project
>   long-term harm,
> - and a way for the community to change the direction of the project if
>   they so wished.
> Stéfan
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