I recently did a conceptual experiment to estimate the computational time required to solve an exact expression in contrast to an approximate solution (Helmholtz vs. Helmholtz-Kirchhoff integrals). The exact solution requires a matrix inversion, and in my case the matrix would contain ~15000 rows.

On my machine MATLAB seems to perform this matrix inversion with random matrices about 9x faster (20 sec vs 3 mins). I thought the performance would be roughly the same because I presume both rely on the same LAPACK solvers.

I will not actually need to solve this problem (even at 20 sec it is prohibitive for broadband simulation), but if I needed to I would reluctantly choose MATLAB . I am simply wondering why there is this performance gap, and if there is a better way to solve this problem in numpy?

Thank you,


#Python version

import numpy as np

testA = np.random.randn(15000, 15000)

testb = np.random.randn(15000)

%time testx = np.linalg.solve(testA, testb)

%MATLAB version

testA = randn(15000);

testb = randn(15000, 1);

tic(); testx = testA \ testb; toc();
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