On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:43 PM, Solbrig,Jeremy <
jeremy.solb...@colostate.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> Much of what is below was copied from this stack overflow question.
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35005569/behavior-of-ufuncs-and-mathematical-operators-differ-for-subclassed-maskedarray>
> I am attempting to subclass numpy.ma.MaskedArray.  I am currently using
> Python v2.7.10.  The problem discussed below does not occur in Numpy
> v1.9.2, but does occur in all versions of Numpy v1.10.x.
> In all versions of Numpy v1.10.x, using mathematical operators on my
> subclass behaves differently than using the analogous ufunc. When using the
> ufunc directly (e.g. np.subtract(arr1, arr2)), __array_prepare__,
> __array_finalize__, and __array_wrap__ are all called as expected, however,
> when using the symbolic operator (e.g. arr1-arr2) only __array_finalize__
> is called. As a consequence, I lose any information stored in arr._optinfo 
> when
> a mathematical operator is used.
> Here is a code snippet that illustrates the issue.
> #!/bin/env python
> import numpy as npfrom numpy.ma import MaskedArray, nomask
> class InfoArray(MaskedArray):
>     def __new__(cls, info=None, data=None, mask=nomask, dtype=None,
>                 copy=False, subok=True, ndmin=0, fill_value=None,
>                 keep_mask=True, hard_mask=None, shrink=True, **kwargs):
>         obj = super(InfoArray, cls).__new__(cls, data=data, mask=mask,
>                       dtype=dtype, copy=copy, subok=subok, ndmin=ndmin,
>                       fill_value=fill_value, hard_mask=hard_mask,
>                       shrink=shrink, **kwargs)
>         obj._optinfo['info'] = info
>         return obj
>     def __array_prepare__(self, out, context=None):
>         print '__array_prepare__'
>         return super(InfoArray, self).__array_prepare__(out, context)
>     def __array_wrap__(self, out, context=None):
>         print '__array_wrap__'
>         return super(InfoArray, self).__array_wrap__(out, context)
>     def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
>         print '__array_finalize__'
>         return super(InfoArray, self).__array_finalize__(obj)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     arr1 = InfoArray('test', data=[1,2,3,4,5,6])
>     arr2 = InfoArray(data=[0,1,2,3,4,5])
>     diff1 = np.subtract(arr1, arr2)
>     print diff1._optinfo
>     diff2 = arr1-arr2
>     print diff2._optinfo
> If run, the output looks like this:
> $ python test_ma_sub.py #Call to np.subtract(arr1, arr2) here
> __array_finalize__
> __array_finalize__
> __array_prepare__
> __array_finalize__
> __array_wrap__
> __array_finalize__{'info': 'test'}#Executing arr1-arr2 here
> __array_finalize__{}
> Currently I have simply downgraded to 1.9.2 to solve the problem for
> myself, but have been having difficulty figuring out where the difference
> lies between 1.9.2 and 1.10.0.

I don't see a difference between 1.9.2 and 1.10.0 in this test, so I
suspect it is something else. Could you try 1.10.4 to see if the something
else has been fixed?

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