Thanks Ralf,

Note that we have always done a combined numpy/scipy ideas page and
> submission. For really good students numpy may be the right challenge, but
> in general scipy is easier to get started on.

yup -- good idea. Is there a page ready to go, or do we need to get one up?
(I don't even know where to put it...)

> Under the PSF umbrella has always worked very well, both in terms of
> communication quality and of getting the amount of slots we wanted, so yes.

hmm, looking here:

it seems it's time to get started. and I _think_ our ideas page can go on
that Wiki.

> Are you maybe interested in co-organizing or mentoring Chris? Updating the
> ideas page, proposal reviewing and interviewing students via video calls
> can be time-consuming, and mentoring definitely is, so the more the merrier.

I would love to help -- though I don't think I can commit to being a
full-on mentor.

If we get a couple people to agree to mentor, then we can get ourselves
setup up with the PSF.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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