On Fr, 2016-03-04 at 21:20 +0000, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
> Thu, 11 Feb 2016 00:02:52 +0100, Ralf Gommers kirjoitti:
> [clip]
> > OK first version:
> > https://github.com/scipy/scipy/wiki/GSoC-2016-project-ideas I kept
> > some
> > of the ideas from last year, but removed all potential mentors as
> > the
> > same people may not be available this year - please re-add
> > yourselves
> > where needed.
> > 
> > And to everyone who has a good idea, and preferably is willing to
> > mentor
> > for that idea: please add it to that page.
> I probably don't have bandwidth for mentoring, but as the Numpy 
> suggestions seem to be mostly "hard" problems, we can add another 
> one:
> ## Dealing with overlapping input/output data
> Numpy operations where output arrays overlap with 
> input arrays can produce unexpected results.
> A simple example is
> ```
> x = np.arange(100*100).reshape(100,100)
> x += x.T        # <- undefined result!
> ```
> The task is to change Numpy so that the results
> here become similar to as if the input arrays
> overlapping with output were separate (here: `x += x.T.copy()`).
> The challenge here lies in doing this without sacrificing 
> too much performance or memory efficiency.
> Initial steps toward solving this problem were taken in
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/6166
> where a simplest available algorithm for detecting
> if arrays overlap was added. However, this is not yet
> utilized in ufuncs. An initial attempt to sketch what 
> should be done is at https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/6272
> and issues referenced therein.

Since I like the idea, I copy pasted it into the GSoC project ideas

- Sebastian

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