On 05/11/2016 06:48 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:
> Elliot Hallmark <permafact...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Strula, this sounds brilliant!  To be clear, you're talking about
>> serializing the numpy array and reconstructing it in a way that's faster
>> than pickle?
> Yes. We know the binary format of NumPy arrays. We don't need to invoke the
> machinery of pickle to serialize an array and write the bytes to some IPC
> mechanism (pipe, tcp socket, unix socket, shared memory). The choise of IPC
> mechanism might not even be relevant, and could even be deferred to a
> library like ZeroMQ. The point is that if multiple peocesses are to
> cooperate efficiently, we need a way to let them communicate NumPy arrays
> quickly. That is where using multiprocessing hurts today, and shared memory
> does not help here.
> Sturla

You probably already know this, but I just wanted to note that the
mpi4py module has worked around pickle too. They discuss how they
efficiently transfer numpy arrays in mpi messages here:

Of course not everyone is able to install mpi easily.

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