Le 19/10/2016 à 01:18, Allan Haldane a écrit :
> Based on feedback so far, I think "propagate_mask" sounds like the best
> word to use. Let's go with that.
> As for whether it should default to "True" or "False", the arguments I
> see are:
>  * False, because that is the way most functions like `np.ma.sum`
>    already work, as well as matlab and octave's similar "nanconv".
>  * True, because its effects are more visible and might lead to less
>    surprises. The "False" case seems like it is often not what the user
>    intended. Eg, it affects the overall normalization of normalized
>    kernels, and the choice of 0 seems arbitrary.
> If no one says anything, I'd probably go with True.
Sounds good!

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