On 5/31/19 9:34 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
On Friday 31 May 2019 01:29:51 am Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
On 5/31/19 6:54 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
Greetings all; gene@coyote:~$ upsc myups Init SSL without certificate database battery.charge: 100 battery.charge.low: 30 [yadda yadda] Is there a certificate package I should install? Cheers, Gene Heskett
the nut client ( upsc ) is trying to use the NSS-based SSL backend of your OS (in order to avoid sending passwords in clear text to the UPS) but the backend is not initialized yet. look for the docs appropriate for your distro in order to find out how to create the database used by NSS
Sorry wolfy, but NSS is not an acronym I am familiar with.


in short, it is one set of the libraries providing security-enabled access to the user-facing applications . and it has become pretty popular and widely adopted in the last 5 years or so.

This I assume is new feature in stretch? It wasn't a problem for wheezy.
I am not a debian user so I am less familiar with the lifetime of packages over there but no, it is not a new feature in stretch. Pease see https://launchpad.net/debian/wheezy/+source/nss

As to your actual problem, I suspect you need to look at certutil , maybe something along

    certutil -N -d dbm:NSS_db --empty-password // -N here stands for "New" database

Please read the docs and verify all the above prior to attempting to use, especially as stretch might prefer sql instead of dbm

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