On 6/28/20 5:54 AM, Scott Colby wrote:

I'm not convinced this is the problem; I think that pfSense has
an alternative way of running the NUT components:
# ps aux | grep ups
root    45456   0.0  0.1   6796   884  -  Is   02:22    0:00.01 
uucp    45751   0.0  0.1   6796   772  -  S    02:22    0:00.10 
uucp    46796   0.0  0.1   6888   888  -  Ss   02:22    0:00.45 
/usr/local/libexec/nut/usbhid-ups -a AVR750U
root    56752   0.0  0.1   6788   832  -  Ss   02:22    0:00.13 
/usr/local/sbin/upsd -u root
root    39437   0.0  0.2   6828  2464  0  S+   02:46    0:00.01 grep ups

Is there anything else that should be running?

AFAIK, no, those 3 daemons should do the job. But just for the fun of it, I would test changing that variable anyway. There is nothing to lose, after all.

Would you expect `upsmon -c fsd` to not work as I described above
(system halting but UPS not power cycling) if MODE was set to none
but upsmon, the driver, and upsd were running?

If it is running ( i.e. started ) -c fsd should trigger an immediate shutdown.  quote from man upsmon:

*-c* /command/

   Send the command /command/ to the existing upsmon process. Valid
   commands are:


       shutdown all master UPSes (use with caution)

# cat ups.conf

# cat upsmon.conf
MONITOR AVR750U 1 local-monitor <password> master
driver.version.internal: 0.41
input.frequency: 5990.0
This value is definitely incorrectly reported. Based on the voltages
below I assume you are in USA and the displayed value could be an
incorrectly scaled 59.9 Hz

You are correct about my location and expected voltage. Is there
somewhere that I can change the scaling factor used by NUT?

not that I know of. and https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/usbhid-ups.html does not show any either. fortunately the errors are purely cosmetic

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