On Oct 24, 2020, at 3:20 PM, Roger Price <ro...@rogerprice.org> wrote:
> The NUT project uses port 3493 to receive traffic to the upsd server. Unlike 
> the protocols http (80) and https (443), NUT has no specific port for 
> encrypted traffic.  For the upsdTLS.py daemon. I squatted port 563, but it 
> would be much better to have an officially assigned port.
> Port 3494 was at one time assigned to
>  ibm3494            3494/tcp     # IBM 3494  [Jeffrey_Pilch]
>  ibm3494            3494/udp     # IBM 3494  [Jeffrey_Pilch]
> The IBM 3494 is a huge tape cartridge device.  Over 6000 cartridges at a 
> time! It was announced 1995, withdrawn from marketing 2006 and service was 
> discontinued 2018.
> I see that the port 3494 has disappeared from /etc/services in Debian 9.  Is 
> it possible to aquire the port for NUT?

I think Russell Kroll registered port 3493 before I started using NUT. (If 
others have more information, please jump in.) My understanding is that TCP 
port assignments are handled by IANA:


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