On 11/26/20 1:55 PM, Roger Price wrote:
On Thu, 19 Nov 2020, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:

raspbian, centos & redhat linux : config sits in /etc/ups, the daemons run as user nut

Sorry for the delay replying.  Are you sure that Raspbian uses /etc/ups for the configuration?  A number of sites are reporting /etc/nut which, since Raspbian is derived from Debian, and Debian uses /etc/nut, makes sense.

E.g. https://haefelfinger.ch/posts/2019/2019-11-20-using-network-ups-tools-and-mosquitto-part1/
referes to "/etc/nut/nut.conf".

My bad, you were correct. Sorry for the misinformation

pi@pi:~ $ ls /etc/nut/
nut.conf  ups.conf  upsd.conf  upsd.users  upsmon.conf upssched.conf

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