On Tue, 24 Aug 2021, Arnaud Quette wrote:

Le ven. 20 août 2021 à 17:38, Roger Price <ro...@rogerprice.org> a écrit :
      On Fri, 20 Aug 2021, Jim Klimov via Nut-upsuser wrote:

      > It is a bit unclear what "or otherwise and Combined date and time
      > representations" means. An example of ISO 8601 date representation (one 
      > many offered by the standard) "or otherwise"? Which combined date and 
      > would we take - e.g. YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ (literal T separator and Z for 
      > UTC timezone)? Or with dashes and colons? Or...?

      Since we are concerned only with dates, and not time of day, things are a 
      simpler.  We follow ISO 8601 clause 5.2.1 Calendar dates, and we don't 
have to
      worry about timezones.  The only real choice is between the format 
      YYYY-MM-DD.  Since our dates are intended primarily for humans it seems 
      to use the format YYYY-MM-DD which has better readability.  It's always 
      to extract the YYYYMMDD number if this is eventually needed.


      See also RFC 3339 "Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps"

 Hi guys,

sorry, I completely missed your mail answers, and only focused on the PR 
So thanks for your feedback.

My original intent was only focused on the battery.date{,.maintenance}. However, I thought to myself that it could be broadened to all .date (including ups*). As mentioned, it's an option. Opaque string format still applies, and *if possible*, ISO 8601 Calendar date should be used.

As for the time, I'm still in between: for the base date variables, it's only date without time. There is even a ups.time to track the device clock. So even if I amended the PR to include a variation of <date>T<time>, I can revert it if you prefer.

I had forgotten about ups.time. Should date and time in NUT be exclusively opaque, human-readable? Perhaps the safest strategy for the long term is to follow RFC 3339. This has advantages over ISO 8601:

 * Available without charge to everybody.
 * Includes in appendix A grammars for date, time, duration and period.

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