On Mar 17, 2022, at 7:26 PM, Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com> wrote:
> My script is in the process of being extended to also deal with apcupsd
> and that seems to have different variables, like timeleft in minutes
> instead of runtime in seconds.  It seems obvious to me that I should
> bring things into a common schema, because the monitoring system doesn't
> care about UPS brand; it wants to know is utility power good enough, how
> many seconds left, etc.

I am not necessarily recommending that you should use apcupsd-ups (it's 
monitor-only and won't send the shutdown command[*], for one thing); however, 
it's worth pointing out that a few of the conversion factors are documented in 
that driver's source:


[*] https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/apcupsd-ups.html#_limitations

> I wonder how much NUT does that by itself, or if it's more doing format
> translation of the individual units.  And I would appreciate comments on
> the wisdom/necessity of this approach.

What Jim said about this is technically correct, but I would look at it another 

NUT defines standard units for variables (as long as the variables are not 
marked as "opaque"), and the drivers map device-specific readings to those 
standard units. (USB HID PDC tends to use seconds, as do most SNMP MIBs, if I 
am not mistaken.)

Units are in parentheses in the Description column: 

Charles Lepple

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