On 10/11/22 16:02, Roger Price wrote:
On Tue, 11 Oct 2022, Andrea Venturoli via Nut-upsuser wrote:
On 10/11/22 15:17, Greg Troxel wrote:

I suggest an experiment:
This is planned, but I can't be at this site before some weeks.

When you get to the site, you might be able to speed up testing by setting battery.charge.low to something higher than the current 10%, say 85%.

Sorry, but I don't understand how this might help.

Setting the above would help in testing proper shutdown through NUT.
However, this is not the problem I have.

What I think I should test is:
_ remove USB cable;
_ disconnect UPS from the power;
_ DON'T wait for shutdown;
_ reconnect UPS to power.

How would the above help?
Am I misunderstanding/forgetting something?

 bye & Thanks

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