My thoughts ...

First, this is only a problem in Fedora 37.  On Fedora 36 it works.

Second, Fedora 37 has only been out for about three weeks. I bet adoption is still ramping up.

Third - A good point about many people using laptops and so not needing a UPS. Even so, there are millions of systems running Fedora. You would think more people would have noticed.

However - The only reason I noticed is because I set up logwatch to include output from upsc in the daily report. When that went missing, I went hunting. If I did not have that daily logwatch, I would never have noticed. It would not surprise me if a lot of people are having a problem and don't know it.

And another thing - This machine runs XFCE which by default includes a battery monitor in the system tray. That battery monitor works correctly regardless of the status of nut.

Fourth - There is an open bug report at RedHat about this. The Fedora 37 package version 2.8.0-5 is supposed to have a fix. The comments report other problems with the package, hence it is not yet in the testing repository.

Bill Gee

On 12/2/22 06:58, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
Roger Price writes:

On Thu, 1 Dec 2022, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

And even now, weeks after a Fedora release, that bug is not blowing up with everyone, and their uncle, complaining that nut is completely non-functional? So, what, there are less than a dozen people out there who are using Fedora and a non-APC UPS, for which nut is, pretty much, the only option?

This one's a head-scratcher.

I wonder what percentage of Linux users have a UPS?  I suspect the figure is real low.  Most people trust their public power supply, and live in an area with little lightning.  Why spend the money?

I think it's because most people are using laptops rather than desktops. Laptops have their built-in UPS. A spike will probably just fry the wall wart and not damage the laptop, and they'll just replace the wall wart.

Still, you'd think there'll be more than a dozen people noticing that nut in Fedora hasn't worked for over two months.

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