Hello nut users!
I have an APC Back-UPS BGM1500 connected via a serial->usb cable, using the usbhid-ups driver. Everything appears to work and automated shutdowns occur as expected in response to the lowbatt signal, but nut-driver is spamming the logs with this error message on every poll interval:
0.430476     [D1] Quick update...
0.430484     ups_status_set: seems that UPS [GamingUPS] is in OL+DISCHRG state 
now. Is it calibrating or do you perhaps want to set 'onlinedischarge' option? 
Some UPS models (e.g. CyberPower UT series) emit OL+DISCHRG when offline.
1.866888     sock_connect: enabling asynchronous mode (auto)
2.262626     [D1] upsdrv_updateinfo...
2.270082     [D1] Got 1 HID objects...
2.270092     [D1] Quick update...
2.284067     ups_status_set: seems that UPS [GamingUPS] is in OL+DISCHRG state 
now. Is it calibrating or do you perhaps want to set 'onlinedischarge' option? 
Some UPS models (e.g. CyberPower UT series) emit OL+DISCHRG when offline.
4.264627     [D1] upsdrv_updateinfo...
4.334114     [D1] Got 9 HID objects...
4.334131     [D1] Quick update...
4.345097     ups_status_set: seems that UPS [GamingUPS] is in OL+DISCHRG state 
now. Is it calibrating or do you perhaps want to set 'onlinedischarge' option? 
Some UPS models (e.g. CyberPower UT series) emit OL+DISCHRG when offline.
6.266562     [D1] upsdrv_updateinfo...
6.270145     [D1] Got 1 HID objects...
6.270162     [D1] Quick update...
6.284123     ups_status_set: seems that UPS [GamingUPS] is in OL+DISCHRG state 
now. Is it calibrating or do you perhaps want to set 'onlinedischarge' option? 
Some UPS models (e.g. CyberPower UT series) emit OL+DISCHRG when offline.

"DISCHRG" is always present on the status line regardless of whether the ups is actually connected to the wall or not, so this appears to be its "normal" state and can't be taken at face value.

Is there any way I can get the usb driver to stop complaining about this? Unfortunately I don't think setting 'onlinedischarge' in ups.conf would produce the desired effect, but I'd like to stop the log spam.


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